Anna Marriott
MRI Physicist III – MR, AI and DSPOriginally from England, Anna studied Theoretical Physics specializing in MRI signal processing at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University of Nottingham. Her time at the institute gave her an appreciation for the difference a few dedicated individuals could make to healthcare, igniting a passion for non-invasive diagnostic imaging.
Anna immigrated to Canada in 2014 and began assisting at the Biomedical Translational Imaging Centre (BIOTIC) under the supervision of Dr. James Rioux, optimising retrospective reconstruction parameters of variable density k-space sampling for use in prostate cancer MRI. In 2017, she began a Ph.D. in Medical Physics at Dalhousie University under Dr. Kim Brewer, developing sequences to allow for dual quantification of MR contrast agents in preclinical cancer immunotherapy studies. Her implementation and acceleration of the novel T2* MR fingerprinting sequence promises to greatly improve both the efficacy and efficiency of future preclinical studies, and has led to several collaborative peer-reviewed publications. Anna joined the team at Synex Medical in 2024 to help further their mission to place non-invasive healthcare information in the hands of the patients.
An avid proponent of the benefits of diversity, Anna has dedicated her career to addressing the gender gap in science, helping develop and teach EDI curricula across several departments at Dalhousie University and within the wider community. In her free time, she can be found curled up with a sci-fi novel, long distance cycling, or restoring retro video games consoles.